Important Announcement
Important Announcement
Where is my health and dental?
OCSU is aware of an ongoing fee assessment issue on the backend of Okanagan College’s registration process that is resulting in some students who are eligible for the plan to not be billed for it. In other words, these students aren’t receiving the coverage they are eligible for.
The best way to know if you have been billed for the plan is to check your tuition fee statement. The easiest way to do this is to log in to your myOkanagan account.
If you were not billed for the plan, but you meet our plan eligibility criteria, please email
Health & Dental
About the Health & Dental Plan
OCSU, along with many other colleges and universities across Canada, offers an extended health and dental plan to help students cover the cost of medical needs. Our coverage is provided by Green Shield Canada and covers a wide variety of services. The coverage term is 12 consecutive calendar months and is billed at the start of each school year.
Please note that the Students' Union is required to adhere to and respect legislation, which governs the protection of privacy. Accordingly, personal information relating to student accounts, health and dental plan enrolment and application, and claims shall remain confidential to approved parties; and the personal details of a student account shall remain confidential to the Students' Union, Okanagan College and the student. Therefore, private information about student accounts will not be released to parents.
Your GSC ID is OSU[your student number]-00. So for example, OSU300123456-00. This is the number you give to your health care practitioner to directly bill your claim to Green Shield.
Most students who are taking at least one semester of classes are eligible. All students who are eligible for the Health & Dental plan are automatically enrolled. If you already have coverage and would like to opt out, please see our opt-out section. Students who meet all of the following criteria are considered eligible:
The student is an OCSU member (taking classes in either Kelowna, Penticton, or Salmon Arm);
The program they are enrolled in is at least 16 weeks long; and
The student is taking at least two classes per semester. This means that most full-time and part-time students are eligible, as long as all other criteria is met.
Most Trades Foundations students are also eligible. Trades Apprenticeships are not.
Not eligible:
ABE students
Continuing Studies students
Co-op students
Distance education students
Trades Apprenticeship students
Any student whose program is less than 16 weeks long
Students who have extended health and dental coverage through another provider can choose to opt out of the OCSU Health & Dental plan.
All Opt Outs MUST be submitted to OCSU no later than 30 calendar days after your program's start date.
To opt out, you must fill out the entire form found here. Late and/or incomplete opt-outs are not accepted under any circumstance. You must provide your current plan's policy number when filling out the online opt-out form in order to prove that you have valid coverage. If OCSU is unable to verify your coverage, you may be required to submit additional proof.
Students who do not submit a completed opt out form will be added to the plan and receive 12 months of coverage.
Students who are enrolled in the Health & Dental plan may add their spouse/common-law partner and/or children under the age of 18 as dependants on their plan.
Students can add their dependants to their plan by logging into their AGA Benefit Solutions Online Member Portal. AGA Benefits Solutions will email the student to confirm plan enrolment as well as login instructions for their account 6-8 weeks after their program’s start date.
The deadline to opt in dependants is 15 days after the student receives their confirmation of plan enrollment email.
1 dependant: $275/year
2 or more dependants: $400/year (flat rate)
It takes 6-8 weeks after your program's start date to activate your plan. This is known as the Registration (or Blackout) Period, and direct billing and online services are not available during this time. You will be notified by email when your plan has been activated, after which you may submit your current claims and any other claims for covered items back-dating to the start of the Registration Period.
Using your plan
Your Green Shield Plan Number will be OSU[your student number]-00.
In order to use your plan, you will need to provide your healthcare service provider with your Green Shield Plan Number. You can either pick up a fillable card from your OCSU office, or add the digital version to your Apple/Google Wallet (after registering for online services on GreenShield+ and downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play Store)
Student number: 300123456
GS ID number: OSU300123456-00
Check if direct billing is available before your appointment.
You can go to any dentist, optometrist, chiropractor, etc, but it’s best to find a place that does direct billing by calling ahead of time. Direct billing means that the service provider charges the insurance company directly for their portion. In other words, you only have to pay for the balance that isn’t covered by Green Shield.
You just got out of an eye exam. Your bill comes to $110.00. You give the receptionist your insurance number. The receptionist contacts Green Shield and charges them $100, since your plan covers $100 towards eye exams every two years. You must pay the remaining balance out of pocket, which is $10.
Check your coverage before you commit.
Before you commit to a procedure or prescription, it’s a good idea to check if it’s covered by your plan. You can do this by logging in to your online account, checking the benefits book, or by calling Green Shield at 1-888-711-1119. If you’re having trouble accessing your account, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help troubleshoot.
If direct billing isn’t available, or you’re in the Registration Period…
Direct billing isn’t available everywhere. This is especially common at chiropractic offices. When you do have to pay upfront, make sure you hold on to all of your receipts and paperwork so you can submit them to Green Shield. The easiest way to do this is by signing in to your online account and clicking on the “Submit a claim” button there. Please note that claims cannot be submitted during the first 6-8 weeks of classes, aka the Registration Period. Claims must be submitted within one year of the date of the service/prescription. Remember to sign up for direct deposit to get your money back faster!
You started your second year of your program on September 6th, which means that your coverage term starts September 1st, although you’ll be in the Registration Period until the end of October. Your doctor prescribed you a new medication, which you purchased on September 20th. It cost $40. Because of the Registration Period you’ll have to pay the full amount upfront, in this case $40. Once the Registration Period ends, you can log in to your online account and submit a claim to get reimbursed for Green Shield’s portion of the bill. Since Green Shield covers 80% of the cost of prescription meds, you are reimbursed $32.
Coverage Questions
Eligible students are automatically charged for the plan when they get their fee statement. The easiest way to determine if you are on the OCSU Extended Health & Dental plan is to look at your fee statement.
If you are already on the plan, you will see two lines: One for the extended health plan, and one for the extended dental plan. They add up to $250 combined.
Not eligible:
ABE students
Co-op students
Continuing Studies students
Distance Education students
Trades Apprenticeship students
Students enrolled in programs shorter than 16 weeks in length
Students who have extended health and dental coverage through another provider can choose to opt out of the OCSU Health & Dental plan.
All Opt Outs MUST be submitted to OCSU no later than 30 calendar days after your program's start date.
To opt out, you must fill out the entire form found here. Late and/or incomplete opt-outs are not accepted under any circumstance. You must provide your current plan's policy number when filling out the online opt-out form in order to prove that you have valid coverage. If OCSU is unable to verify your coverage, you may be required to submit additional proof.
Students who do not submit a completed opt out form will be added to the plan and receive 12 months of coverage.
Your plan costs $250 per year. You are only billed at the start of your school year.
Your plan covers a wide range of services. We’ve listed some of the most asked-about ones below. You can check the full range here.
Prescriptions: 80% up to $2000/year
Dental: 70% for routine care & cleanings up to $700/year
Psychologist, Social Worker/Counsellor, or Master of Social Work: $75 per session up to $500/year
Chiropractors & Physiotherapists: $45/visit up to $300 a year
Your GSC ID is OSU[your student number]-00. So for example, OSU300123456-00. This is the number you give to your health care practitioner to directly bill your claim to Green Shield.
When you pick up prescription meds, or go to the dentist, or see a physiotherapist, be sure to let the practitioner (or the receptionist) that you have health insurance. Give them your GSC ID number, which is OSU[your student number]-00. A portion of the bill will immediately and automatically be paid by Green Shield (if the service/medical item is covered in your plan) so you pay less money out-of-pocket. This is called direct billing.
You can also manually submit claims. This is useful if your provider doesn't do direct billing, or you forgot to give them your GSC ID. You submit claims by creating an account on Green Shield's website - more on that below. A typical claim submission includes filling out a form and uploading a picture of a receipt. Be sure to sign up for direct deposit so you get your money back faster!
If you have any questions about your plan/coverage, feel free to ask us!
For technical issues with your GSC online account, Green Shield are your experts.
While registering for an online account isn't necessary to use your plan, it's strongly encouraged. Registering for online services lets you submit claims manually and gives you access to things like your claims history, health tips, plan details, and more. You can even submit practice claims, which is useful for checking how much Green Shield will pay for your service and how much you will have to pay out of pocket. Remember to sign up for direct deposit to get your money back faster!
Online services are not available during the Blackout/Registration period. Once the Blackout is over you will also get an email with instructions on how to set up your online account from our third-party plan administrator, AGA Benefit Solutions.
If you have any problems with registering your account, or you have any questions, please contact us.
No, Guard.Me and MSP are quite different from the Health & Dental plan. Guard.Me and MSP provide basic health coverage, while the extended Health & Dental benefits plan covers things like medications, glasses, dental work, and more.
Direct billing and online registration for the plan is not available for students in the first 8 weeks of their program, or the fall semester. This is because students are still adding and dropping classes, as well as adding and dropping the plan. Once the Registration Period is over, students can create their account at and submit any current claims, or back-dated ones to their start date. Students will also be able to directly bill their claims from their service provider at this time.
No, there is no option to sign up manually.
Your coverage lasts for 12 calendar months, including summer. The length of your program does not affect the length of your coverage. In other words, even if you are only taking one semester of classes, you will still receive 12 months of coverage.
Students who are in a program longer than 12 months and would still like to receive coverage throughout their entire program, please contact OCSU at to complete an opt-in form and arrange payment directly to us.
Please note that this only applies to students whose coverage term ends before the end of their program.
Yes! You should still be automatically charged for the plan. If not, please contact us at to enroll.
You can use your benefits pretty much anywhere, as long as they're properly licensed/accredited. Please note that direct billing might not be available everywhere, but you should be able to submit your claim manually by logging into your Greenshield account.
If you want to save even more money, make sure you check out the Deals App. OCSU has negotiated discounts with a number of local health practitioners
Yes, as long as you still meet the plan eligibility criteria (see above). Please email to request to opt back in. Remember to include your name, student number, program, and program start date.
Graduation and Summer Coverage
Yes! Your coverage lasts for 12 consecutive calendar months, even through summer.
No, the summer semesters do not meet the minimum course length requirement. Students are not charged for extended Health & Dental during the summer. Students who started in the Fall or Winter semesters will most likely have coverage continued through the summer months due to their 12 month plan.
The coverage period is 12 months after your program's start date, regardless of when you graduate.
For example, let's say you started your final semester in September and you'll be graduating in December. Your coverage will be valid until August, even though you are no longer in school.
OCSU, the British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS), and Prosum Health Benefits have partnered to offer affordable health and dental plans that you can access after you’re no longer a student.
Starting as low as $27 per month, Individual Health Assist plans allow you the flexibility to choose your level of coverage and more importantly find coverage that fits your budget. There are no long-term contracts which means once you get coverage through an employer or if you choose to continue your studies you can cancel your plan with 30 days notice.
If you are graduating, your coverage from your students’ union benefits plan ends 12 months after the start date of your program; once your coverage ends, you will have 90 days to apply for a GSC Health Assist plan.
For more information contact Prosum Health Benefits at 1-855-751-6590 or
Other benefits
Legal Assistance
OCSU Health Plan Members, through Prosum Health Benefits and Sykes Assistance Services provides you with timely, cost-effective access to experienced lawyers to guide you through most major types of law, including: Family, Criminal, Civil litigation, Landlord and tenant, Residential real estate, Wills and Estates, Tax, Employment, Condo/Strata, Immigration and Identity Theft Support. As a member of the Health Plan you have access to unlimited free summary telephone legal advice and unlimited referrals to local lawyers at preferred rates.
You can call on the toll-free number 1 877-333-3884 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to speak to a customer service representative who can put you in touch with a lawyer at no charge. Advice lawyers are available to call clients from 8 am to Midnight daily. Please do not hesitate to request a call back after regular business hours, on weekends or holidays.
GSC Health Assist Link
The GSC Health Assist LINK program offers guaranteed coverage (no medical questionnaire) for you and your family for day-to-day medical, dental and travel expenses, as well as unforeseen health expenses. This program may be your solution if you, your spouse or your dependent children are losing or have lost group health and/or dental benefits within the last 90 days and are looking for coverage. Click here to apply, or contact Prosum Health Benefits Inc. at 1.855.751.6590 for assistance.
Get a 10% discount on the purchase of contact lenses*; get a 25% discount on the purchase of frames**
*Does not include Everclear or Splash contact lenses**Does not include Oakley, Rayban, Bolon and Arnette frames
Use discount code: ESGRN20
The discount prices include free shipping, free returns, and all glasses include free standard lenses.
Note: This offer can be combined with any pricing offer or sale advertised on the website. However, please note that this offer cannot be combined with another coupon code. Valid if purchased on a Canadian website only. Visit -
Get 10% off the regular price of contact lenses, prescription eyeglasses, non-prescription eyeglasses, and sunglasses.
To take advantage of this discount, enter the coupon code: GSCVISION
Note: This offer cannot be combined with any other discount or special offer. Valid if purchased on a Canadian website only.
Visit -
All GreenShield plan members get exclusive savings of 25% off all prescription glasses and 20% off contact lenses through KITS, a leading Canadian eyewear e-retailer. Just browse and select options from a laptop, phone or tablet, with free delivery right to your door.You can also check out other KITS offers available to you through the GreenShield-branded KITS site. All discounts are activated at checkout and KITS will apply the vision care coverage available to you as part of your benefits plan, where applicable, and submit the claim directly to GreenShield. (Provincial terms and conditions apply.) Check it out here.
In addition to the above discounts you can receive via KITS – even if your plan doesn’t include vision coverage – you can also receive a discount on eyewear through The Bay Optical and Hakim Optical. -
LASIK MD is also one of GreenShield's discount partners. You and your dependents (age of 18 and over) are eligible to receive:
$115 off per eye on Advanced Custom Wavefront
Free 3-year Vision Enhancement Plan (covers the cost of enhancements for the duration of the plan)
The following conditions apply to the above discounts:
Laser vision correction surgery must be performed on both eyes on the same date.
This offer cannot be combined with any other discount or special offer.
GreenShield plan members, spouses and eligible dependents must mention this offer and present their GreenShield ID card to LASIK MD when scheduling the surgery.
Discounts do not apply to previous surgery or previously scheduled procedures.
Proof of student status is required on the day of surgery.
The duration of the Vision Enhancement Plan may be different depending on the clinic. Please speak with your clinic prior to surgery.
Visit for more information.
$99 Comprehensive Eye Exam including OCT scan
30% off any lens upgrade (for 2 pairs of glasses) and 10% off your contact lenses purchase (All glasses include 2-year warranty and blue light lenses at no extra cost. Glasses start from $69)
This discount is available exclusively through The Deals App! Download the app and get access to this discount, and hundreds more!
The BC Federation of Students has negotiated an agreement with Alliance Pharmacy Group, a central dispensing pharmacy that delivers to your door.
You’ll save:$5 off each prescription at the time that it is filled
10% off all wellness and personal care essential purchased online
Alliance Pharmacy will offer a reduced dispensing fee of $5 for all prescriptions, resulting in further savings for plan users. *They'll also guide you through your prescription process, and offers therapeutic drug alternatives to maximize your savings even more.
Accessing the ServiceAlliance Pharmacy is a central dispensing pharmacy that eliminates the need to travel to a storefront location. Prescriptions come from your doctor directly to your door by using the following process:
Have your doctor fax your prescription directly from the doctor’s office, or transfer any existing prescriptions from other pharmacies directly to Alliance Pharmacy Group. Pharmacy staff will assist with any prescription transfers on your behalf.
Alliance Pharmacists will review and fill your prescription, educating you on your medication, including a discussion on possible therapeutic alternatives.
Your prescription will be delivered directly to your door at your home, or wherever is best for you, by overnight Fedex Priority or Xpresspost service across Canada.
To begin using Alliance Pharmacy:
Go to and get started; or
Call 855.370.7979 and pharmacy staff will be glad to assist
*Discounts only available to BC Federation of Students members.