Solidarity and Advocacy News

external, student solidarity, letters of support, 2022 Okanagan College Students Union external, student solidarity, letters of support, 2022 Okanagan College Students Union

OCSU Letter of Support for Emily Carr University Walkout

To: Emily Carr Students’ Union, Premier David Eby, Minister Anne Kang and Honourable Selina Robinson

Cc: Emily Carr University Board of Governors & Administration

The OCSU is writing this letter of support for the student walk out by the Emily Carr Students’ Union on December 1st in opposition to the proposed increases to international Student fees for Emily Carr international students and members of the ECSU. The Okanagan College Students’ Union strongly opposes the proposed increases to international students including 30% for new students and 10% for returning students. International students are already paying four times more in fees than their domestic counterparts. In 2017, international students contributed $4.15billion in spending, created 31,400 jobs, and contributed $2.37 billion to the provincial GDP.

They are already contributing their fair share to the BC economy. This continual pillaging ofinternational students is discriminatory, predatory and inexcusable.We are calling on Premier David Eby, Minister Anne Kang, and Honourable Selina Robinson tosupport the BC Federation of Students, and all post-secondary students of British Columbia byimplementing legislation to regulate international student fee increases in an equitable mannerto domestic students.We also call on our elected officials to reinvest in post-secondary education through additionalgovernment funding which has dwindled to just 43.6% in total operating revenue, down frommore than 80% in the 1980s, and more than 90% in the 1970s. With a reported $5 Billionsurplus, this is the opportune time to support our future work force and policy makers.The students of British Columbia have had enough of our post-secondary institutions andgovernment treating international students like cash cows. We stand in solidarity with the ECSU,and all international students in BC, and across Canada. We demand better for our peers.

In solidarity,

Okanagan College Students’ Union

Local 1 BC Federation of Students

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student solidarity, communications, nov. 2 2022 walkout, 2022 Okanagan College Students Union student solidarity, communications, nov. 2 2022 walkout, 2022 Okanagan College Students Union

November 8th Message to OCSU Members

Hello members! We wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Student Solidarity activities this past week. With your help, we gathered just under 800 student signatures calling on the College to do better when it comes to students. Your Students’ Union coordinated between Kelowna, Penticton, and Salmon Arm campuses to ask our institution to put students first and asked you to lend your support.

Hello members!

We wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Student Solidarity activities this past week. With your help, we gathered just under 800 student signatures calling on the College to do better when it comes to students. Your Students’ Union coordinated between Kelowna, Penticton, and Salmon Arm campuses to ask our institution to put students first and asked you to lend your support. In addition to the events on November 2nd, we also presented to the OC Leadership council on Friday, October 28th, outlining the challenges students are facing. Moreover, we received a letter of support from the OC Faculty Association (OCFA), as well as local and national coverage. On Friday, November 4, the OCSU hand delivered the signed letters to President Neil Fassina.

This past Sunday, November 6, the OCSU Board had the opportunity to meet in person with both OC President Neil Fassina and VP Students Meri Kim Oliver. During our regular board meeting, we discussed a range of issues that impact OC students. Since the board had already scheduled for Meri Kim to attend this meeting well in advance of our Student Solidarity events on November 2nd most of our questions were focused on the VP Students portfolio. The President did the majority of the talking on behalf of OC. This meeting was just shy of 90 minutes, and we appreciate that Meri Kim and Neil took the time on Sunday to join us on campus to discuss issues we have raised. The President and VP Students answered most of the board’s questions thoroughly, though we feel it is safe to say that both parties know there is still much work to be done.

  • Here are the questions asked of Okanagan College Leadership by your elected student representatives.

  • One of the challenges for international students is financial stressors. In addition to high tuition, purchasing books and supplies, paying rent, and meeting daily expenses such as parking, transportation, food, and clothing, there is no access to finance alternatives (loans) to help pay for all of it.

  • What are the current reasons for not having financing alternatives for international students at OC in comparison to the options for domestic students, have you explored possible solutions like bursaries, etc?

  • Is there a plan on how to support the international students that are already here and still have 2-3 more years of school?

  • In what ways can we as students, influence the decision-makers of this college after a decision has already been implemented?

  • Regarding the Student housing initiative announcement of 2021, Salmon Arm is to receive student housing (60 beds) with plans to break ground in 2022. Has there been consideration for increasing student support to facilitate this change?

  • Student recreation and student life for Salmon Arm have very few resources for athletics, intramurals, outdoor programs, or fitness facility access unlike Vernon, Kelowna, and Penticton. Is this something that will be improved in the future?

  • Is OC still planning to begin providing free Menstrual products in all bathrooms around all campuses and when can the students expect this?

  • What is the process of decision-making and funding allocation after the leadership committee presentation? Are you meeting monthly, how often? What can we expect as a response? Report back structure? Are there minutes of these meetings, what is public, and how can we ensure that our members have adequate awareness?

  • Why did the Okanagan Market replace the cafeteria? Based on current feedback from students, students are struggling to access affordable food on campus. What steps are you taking to allocate the resources and address the dire need to facilitate low-barrier food options? (What considerations for students' needs were taken into account when deciding to replace the cafeteria with the market?)

  • Can you please point out valid reasons and developments that the 8.6 percent increase would contribute to the life of our students? What would 8.6% do that 3% would not?

  • Over the past few months communication with students and to the students’ union has dwindled to something of a second thought. This is a departure from the existing open lines of communication. What happened?

  • In reflection of the request to reverse the 8.6% increase on international students and the nearly 800 students calling on you to do something, what options have you considered and when can we expect a response?

As always, our priority is to the needs and aims of you, our membership - the students of OC. We will continue to lobby both Okanagan College and the provincial Government to prioritize students. We will continue to work alongside other student unions and the BC Federation of Students by running campaigns, participating in collective lobbying efforts, and standing in solidarity with all students of British Columbia and beyond.

Going forward, we plan to continue to meet with OC Leadership. We believe that one day of action is only the beginning. From here, we hope to sit down with the President and the other college leaders to see where our two organizations can come together and make sure student voices are heard and taken seriously. We recognize Okanagan College is severely underfunded - at around 56% - by the government. Thus we are also committed to meeting with Okanagan Members of the Legislative Assembly and communicating with the Minister of Advanced Education, Anne Kang, to ensure our elected Government representatives understand the needs and situations of students - their constituents.

We will also continue to engage directly with you, our members. We will still provide services, advocacy, and events for you to ensure that you have the best post-secondary experience possible. We will forge ahead to raise awareness for the Fund It Fix It campaign, and Fairness for International Students campaign. We ask you, our membership, to keep signing pledges and petitions. Student action works! Together we can accomplish amazing things, like the recent removal of interest on federal student loans. If we remain committed together, we can ensure that student needs, such as affordable and predictable international fees, and affordable food options are met.

If you would like to take additional action you can sign the BC Federation of Students petitions for Fairness for International Students and Fund It Fix It.

In Solidarity,


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