Solidarity and Advocacy News

student solidarity, external, statements, 2025 Okanagan College Students Union student solidarity, external, statements, 2025 Okanagan College Students Union

The Okanagan College Students’ Union Stands in Solidarity with Trans Athletes: A Call for Accountability and Inclusivity in PACWEST

The Okanagan College Students’ Union  is proud to reaffirm its unwavering support for trans athletes and the broader 2SLGBTQIA+ community in light of recent developments in the Pacific Western Athletic Association (PACWEST).

The Okanagan College Students’ Union  is proud to reaffirm its unwavering support for trans athletes and the broader 2SLGBTQIA+ community in light of recent developments in the Pacific Western Athletic Association (PACWEST). Following an investigation into a transphobic incident during the October 2024 women’s basketball game between Columbia Bible College (CBC) and the VIU Mariners, PACWEST took the necessary step of suspending the CBC women’s basketball head coach. While this disciplinary action marked progress toward addressing discrimination in sports, subsequent events have raised new concerns.

In the aftermath of the suspension, the CBC team launched a public campaign and the coach has taken legal action in an attempt to overturn the suspension. These moves threaten to undermine the essential steps taken to combat discrimination and could send a disheartening message to trans athletes and their allies throughout PACWEST.

At Okanagan College we believe that sports should be a safe and inclusive space for everyone, regardless of gender identity. Trans athletes deserve the right to participate fully and equitably without fear of harassment or exclusion. We have seen firsthand the impact that discrimination can have on individuals and communities. It is for this reason that we are speaking out - because standing by silently is not an option.

When incidents like this arise, accountability is not just about responding to the moment; it’s about setting a standard for the future. Attempts to reverse disciplinary action not only put the safety of athletes at risk but also undermine trust in the systems designed to protect them. This is a pivotal moment for PACWEST to demonstrate leadership and reaffirm its commitment to inclusivity, fairness, and safety for all athletes.

We call on PACWEST to:

  • Stand firm against external pressures to reinstate the suspended coach, prioritizing the safety and well-being of all athletes.

  • Reaffirm your commitment to creating and maintaining a safe, equitable, and inclusive sports environment for everyone.

  • Call on the CBC Bearcats to publicly commit to fair and safe play by clearly stating that harassment, discrimination, and hate have no place in their organization, and that they will fully respect and uphold eligibility rules for trans athletes.

  • Implement comprehensive safety planning practices to protect the well-being of all athletes, with specific measures to ensure the inclusion and safety of trans athletes.

Discrimination has no place in sports - or anywhere. Leadership means standing with marginalized communities, taking decisive action, and ensuring that every athlete is treated with dignity and respect. We urge PACWEST to seize this opportunity to lead by example and show that inclusivity is not just a policy but a fundamental value.

The Okanagan College Students’ Union remains committed to its support for trans athletes across the PACWEST Conference. We will continue to advocate for environments where every player feels safe, supported, and seen.

In solidarity,

Okanagan College Students’ Union, Local 1

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student solidarity, leadership presentations, 2025 Okanagan College Students Union student solidarity, leadership presentations, 2025 Okanagan College Students Union

2025 Leadership Council Presentation by Okanagan College Students’ Union

OCSU representatives spoke with Okanagan College Leadership on February 6, 2025 to discuss a variety of student concerns.

OCSU representatives spoke with Okanagan College Leadership on February 6, 2025 to discuss a variety of student concerns. Scroll down to read the blog version of the brief, or click here to read the accessible, screen reader friendly version. A PDF version is also available here. Content is identical across all versions.


Presented by:
Jonathan Chiweda - OCSU Board Member
Ivanna Rubio - OCSU Executive Chairperson

February 6, 2025

Thank you for creating space for student feedback on priority planning. We are here today on behalf of our members from Kelowna, Penticton and Salmon Arm to present to you the needs and concerns of students at OC. As elected student representatives of our institution, it is our duty today to raise awareness of student priorities and projects. This past year, many changes have occurred beyond the control of Okanagan College, so we want to make it clear:  we are not asking you to allocate any additional funds you do not have. We will be concentrating this presentation on how this council can leverage your expertise, energies, and resources to drive impactful and positive changes within our campus communities. Your support and involvement are key to making this happen.

Our presentation today will focus on communications, and highlight four key priorities. However, we encourage further discussion on additional issues not specifically addressed today. Attached to this document are a collection of student testimonials to help illustrate the challenges students have with the issues we discuss in our presentation. 

Our first priority is to work on addressing the systemic errors within extended health and dental fee assessment. If this topic has not been brought to your attention yet, that is a shame as it directly impacts many students across all OC campuses. We are asking you to establish a transparent process for addressing issues like this - particularly when they arise due to system errors like those in Banner. When these problems occur, it is crucial that there is clear communication, swift action, and a set timeline for resolution.

Extended health and dental benefits are provided to students, by both OCSU and VSAOC, with charges collected within the tuition fee statements and remitted to the appropriate student societies. There are credit threshold requirements in order to be assessed a fee, and students may opt-out by providing proof of comparable coverage.

There is a problem with the fee assessment process, resulting in students not being charged for their plans, creating havoc and stress not only for students, but also the students’ unions and the institution. Despite ongoing discussions and support ideas from both student organizations to fix this problem, no progress has been made, which is not acceptable. We reiterate our desire to work with you on auditing the fee assessment process and supporting your work in completing this project in a timely fashion.

Another priority is the need for clear communication with students. We are asking you to develop and implement a communications strategy that includes clear policies on notification timeframes across all campuses, ensuring no student is left scrambling for a solution at the last minute due to institution-made issues. We also propose that course descriptions clearly indicate whether the course will be in-person, hybrid, or online, allowing students to make informed decisions before enrolling. 

We raise this as a result of the pivot from in-person learning to hybridization this past fall. There is no doubt that there are students looking for hybrid and online learning, but there are also many, many students who do not. The online learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic found online classes difficult to engage with, and international students attending from their home countries in different time zones struggled to connect with their classmates in meaningful ways. 

The hasty shift to hybrid learning had a large impact upon adult-upgrading students, many of whom may be neurodivergent or racialized. This population of students can often be more vulnerable to systems of oppression. Limiting accessibility to these courses thus upholds some of Canada’s systemic issues, including racism, ableism, and poverty. 

Students in all programs need course descriptions that accurately reflect the delivery model to ensure that they are making informed enrollment decisions. If changes occur after registration, students must be given the opportunity to consent or receive appropriate accommodations to minimize disruptions to their learning and well-being.

Regarding the well-being of the campus community, we will be discussing the Smoke-Free OC initiative. Removing designated smoking areas will not eliminate smoking on campus. People will opt to smoke regardless, and in locations that may be even less ideal for non-smokers. If enforcement relies on campus security, which program will lose funding in order to accommodate this project? Will there be additional staffing, or will this policy simply lead to inconsistent enforcement and unnecessary conflict? 

We are asking you to cancel establishing smoke–free campuses, and instead focus on addressing the problematic behaviors arising from the complex relationship between Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus and the high school students next door at KSS.

Our fourth priority in this presentation today outlines the challenges the college faces when dealing with the high school students. The number one issue that students in Kelowna are finding challenging right now is this influx of high school students taking over every space on campus, which leaves tuition-paying OC students with nowhere to study and collaborate with their peers. There are OC students going as far as stating they would rather not attend OC because of the KSS invasion. We are proposing the immediate formation of a working group between Okanagan College and KSS to establish guidelines and consequences for high school students openly participating in vandalism, intimidation, and loitering. 

We acknowledge that projects take time, but prioritizing student needs and re-evaluating other initiatives that do not align with those needs are essential.  By working together, meaningful change can strengthen the campus community, foster student engagement, and promote success for everyone, which can uphold the core values of the Inspire Plan.

As representatives, we remain committed to advocating for fair and equitable treatment of all students. We look forward to engaging in further discussions with the Leadership Council on how we can work together to create a more supportive and student-centered learning environment.

Thank you, 

Okanagan College Students’ Union




All testimonials were collected through letters, feedback sessions, or survey responses.


Appendix A

Student Testimonials on STEM Course Offerings & Delivery Miscommunication

One student wrote:

“ I am in compsci and classes were switched on us with no prior warning. There also was no communication through email or other channels. We also did get the funding for third year classes and were forced to waive into fourth year classes. Again, there was no warning for communication to the computer science students”

Another student says:

“Our professor was experimenting with a new course (STAT390) over the summer in 2024 which is not usually offered, and sent out an email to potential data science students who would be interested in doing it. Me and some other students immediately responded back with a yes! And we requested an in-person class. To which our prof. responded that he would talk to the dept. chair if it would be possible.

The department chair responded that a class with only four students must be held online, and that an in-person class requires a minimum of ten students. We reached out to our peers, and 6-8 additional students expressed interest. However, the course was ultimately conducted with only the first four students who responded to the initial email.

To the contrary, one of the course (STAT443) is being conducted in-person with a class of only 5 students this winter semester 2025”


Appendix B

Student Testimonials on ABA-CRE Communication Issues

One student from the Applied Bachelor of Arts: Community Research and Evaluation (ABA-CRE) program explains:

“Students…are required to complete three 300- or 400-level Arts electives in their fourth year. However, the available course options have been extremely limited. In Fall 2024 and Winter 2025, only about two courses per semester were available for all ABA students to enroll in, given the prerequisite restrictions.

To address this issue, students planning to complete GSWS 295 and INDG 295 in Summer 2024 were informed that these courses would be approved as 300-level electives for those finishing the ABA-CRE program in 2025. However, when registration opened, both courses filled up immediately, leaving most of us on the waitlist and unable to register.

In response, the Arts and Foundational Office assured us that ABA-CRE students would be registered in these courses through Directed Studies, ensuring they would count as 300-level electives. However, this commitment was never fulfilled, and students who were not moved off the waitlist ultimately lost the opportunity to take these courses in Summer 2024.

As a result, one student in our first ABA cohort (originally six students) had to postpone their graduation to the following year, while another decided to transfer to a different university. This left our cohort with only four students moving forward.

[Additionally] the ABA-CRE program website explicitly states: 

Up to 15 eligible graduates of the Applied Bachelor of Arts: Community Research and Evaluation program per year will earn direct entry into the Master of Social Work foundational two-year graduate studies program at UBC Okanagan. 

Based on this statement, we understood that ABA-CRE students would not need to apply to enter the MSW program at UBC Okanagan. However, more than a month after the application period opened, in mid-October, we were suddenly informed that we were required to apply following the same process as general applicants.

Although the Dean’s Office acknowledged that the original statement was misleading, as of January 29, 2025, it remains unchanged on the program website”


Appendix C

Student Testimonials on the Fall 2024 ABE Incident

“I had started my physics 11 class a week or so in and had my class suddenly cancelled. Then had to switch to another class last minute and was quite behind”

  • Summer Mcdonagh

“[I] have had all the science upgrading courses cancelled on me, causing me to have to wait even longer before I can apply to the program I want. I also GREATLY struggle with online anything and need the classroom aspect”

- Devony Turner

“Can't even imagine trying to come back after so many years without a classroom to come to. Adult upgrading needs classrooms with dedicated teachers to assist and lead. If closing classrooms was to happen it would be one of B.C.'s biggest shame. You cannot base attendance on one year given circumstances such as the bounce back after covid, cost of living, inflation… Please allow things to settle.”

- Sean Gerela

“I joined the vsaoc in hopes of supporting students in their journey through college. Only to come in and immediately find out oc has removed so many in person adult upgrading courses. Immediately it was a sense of disappointment in the college and really fizzled any college pride I could start to build. Learning they did this to students with no preparation or warning, and did it so last minute was disgusting. Adults upgrading their classes are already a minority struggling and needing support and they have been thrown away by oc. As a vsaoc member I stand against this and will do my part to stand up and support the adults who need to upgrade classes. As a mature student myself this was especially disappointing to see as I can sympathize with them. Especially when oc is lying straight to professors saying it's about numbers yet the staff is informed on their numbers and know oc is lying. This behavior is unacceptable and i hope with ever fiber of my being the the current oc head will not be selected in the new running”

- Kailey Marcinowski

“I know someone personally who has been affected by this and purposely unenrolled from an online math course and switched to OC to take Math 11 in person. Their class got canceled on the first day.”

- Elizabeth

“For some of us who are upgrading, we didn’t get the support we needed in high school, which is why we’re upgrading now. To put classes online and prioritize cost cuts over learning is not the reason OC exists. And this mindset will not serve OC in the future.”

- Annika Ree

“Since my mom is a teacher at the college in the adult upgrading program, I have the privilege to see firsthand the impact she makes within not only the college, but the entire community, which has all stemmed from her classroom. She welcomes people with open arms & gives them a safe space to explore their academics, as well as cultivate a community each semester for each class, leading to beautiful & unique connections that wouldn’t otherwise blossom. This is not accidental, she works hard to build this environment & everyday, I see the love & planning she pours into her work, investing into her students like no other teacher. She has singlehandedly changed so many students negative perception of school by giving them the TRUE OC experience:

- Creating a connection with them
- Investing in each of them individually (which gives them the confidence to invest in themselves)
- Putting a substantial deal of effort into the class (showing the students she truly cares, making them want to care in return)
-Having safe & welcoming space (giving students a place to go that cares about them - leading them to open up with my mom & if applicable, she can then set them up the appropriate resources to ensure their success )

This is not achievable if the college moves forward with this plan. OC is about giving students a chance, whether it's their first, second, third... chance. Do not let this be the reason why students can’t pursue their chance.”

- Kaelah Riley

“I have either had to travel a significant distance or had to drop classes altogether because Okanagan College doesn’t run some classes at my main campus. The OC website says that I can take my full Writing and Publishing diploma at the Vernon campus, however my first year I have to split my time in between the Kelowna and Vernon campuses. And now for my second year, only 2-3 options for my required English and Creative Writing courses are actually running.”

- Cdio

“I received my Adult Dogwood Diploma through the ABE program at the Penticton campus during the 2022-2023 academic year. The adult upgrading program was a life-changing opportunity for me as an individual who battled with mental health and disabilities that prevented me from finishing high school as a teenager. Restricting the ABE program to distance learning only and by cancelling classes with low enrolment is effectively like pulling the rug out from under the individuals who rely on this opportunity to get their lives and careers on track. Many people rely on in-person instruction to succeed in their education, or simply don't have the resources or ability to access the technology to attend online classes. What I loved about the ABE program was that it gave adults a second chance at accessible education. There is so much stigma surrounding "high school dropouts" and many people believe we are doomed to fail. Providing an accessible, supportive program for adults from all backgrounds to further their education restores hope in individuals who may have mistakenly believed they were doomed by their circumstances. The ABE program restored my faith in the idea that education really could be for everyone. It is absolutely heartbreaking to hear that OC would cancel such an important program.”

- Drew O'Sullivan

“Our campuses are enriched by mature learners in our ABE courses. These students often transition into academic programs at OC, contributing positively to the learning environment in and outside the classroom. The decision to remove in person ABEclasses has spoiled the positive feeling on the Penticton campus, and will negatively impact enrolment in ABE and academic programs in the future.”

- Ryan Ransom

“As a student from Salmon Arm I love the opportunities the small campus provides and I see so many students out of high school appreciating taking base level courses or upgrading courses before moving to larger universities. Also moving to Kelowna is very expensive and can prevent students from pursuing post secondary when there are perfectly good facilities in Salmon Arm and Vernon that could be utilized. Don’t take more opportunities away from students”

- Chelsey Simmons

“I have a friend who has recently enrolled on the Salmon Arm campus. They are neurodivergent and need to have the ability to pick [their] courses allotting time for mental health breaks and with IN PERSON assistance. I have personally witnessed their mental health and self esteem wither away as they are forced to take online courses.”

- lh

“This has caused a significant setback in my academic progress, resulting in the loss of valuable funding opportunities and time. It has severely hindered my ability to complete the required coursework. I find that I learn best and receive the necessary support in a classroom setting. Hopefully next semester things change or I might not be able to continue my studies. Thank you for listening. #300271018”

- Andy Roberts

“As someone that is in upgrading, this is my only chance of getting my dog wood. I have come too far to let it slip away from me.”

- Tucker Cazloe

“Please introduce the English back to campus”

- Anonymous

“No more cancellations. We need face to face lessons!”

- Zhu Weijing

“I graduated from high school in 2020. The year Covid started. It affected my schooling and how I learned. After going through that I told myself I didn’t want to learn from a computer ever again.”

- Anonymous

“Online classes are not the same as classes in Person and students in Salmon Arm deserve in-person classes! Okanagan College is too quick to remove the option of in- person classes.”

- Jbelec

“Community responsibility to ensure people know their options in life is paramount. Growing up in the foster care system, I have used my knowledge of social programs profusely to continuously share with others what is available. The problem with ableism is that eventually all humans get petered out.”

- Jennifer Haigh

“I do not agree with this change and will be disappointed if it does go through. All students should be able to access resources and have the ability to upgrade their education without the need of access to a computer or laptop. Some people can’t learn their best in that format, it doesn’t make sense even from a business standpoint. Keep the program available in person so that people can continue to further their education at a pace that works for them.”

- jb

“As an ADHD person, in-person classes are incredibly important for my learning. I am privileged enough to have some of the resources and technology to access online courses, but only if I MUST. For those like me or those who often have a worse time than I do with non-classroom setting classes this is a major step backward. In an age of information and rampant disinformation we should be bolstering education, not cutting it down and making it inaccessible. Long term effects of this cause widening wealth gaps, furthering the divide between the wealthy class and working class, and making education a privilege only realized by the wealthy. It contributes to the formation of a caste system. I suggest making efforts to increase your enrolment rate, rather than providing lesser or inaccessible forms of education.”

- Grace Zelda Regnier

“I pay money for in campus classes in Vernon. I am disabled, and denied classes I need because I can’t travel to Kelowna. If I want to take fun classes, I have to go online and get an isolating experience. I pay for these classes, I deserve to have them in person and available! Even the best of the teachers and heads of departments who fight for their students can only do so much. Our Vernon, Penticton and Salmon Arm teachers are INTEGRAL. In person college and community is INTEGRAL. Use resources and money to build community, and the community will pay you back. Stop treating education like a get rich quick scheme.”

- Finley Regnier

“Why? I think it's important to get the full experience from being in class. Attending in person allows for more hands-on learning, immediate feedback from the teacher, and collaboration with classmates that you just can’t get online. I really believe going to

class will help you grasp the material better and stay engaged. Plus, being in that learning environment helps you stay focused and motivated.”

- Shannon Shelby

“I enjoy in class experience and campus activities”

- Marci Armstrong

“I really enjoy the in-class experience. Everyone learns differently, it is important to bond with classmates, instructors to learn more and [have a] better school experience.”

- Tricia White

“Please keep the classes at school. People have different learning ways.”

- Robert Dudley

“Had my physics class cancelled a week into it, not able to do the online options or drive to Pentiction. Now have to set back my plans by a year to find another place to upgrade my physics next year:/”

- Summer McDonagh

“I took adult upgrading and I am now in the Practical nursing program. I would have never been able to start practical nursing if I didn’t have in class upgrading! There are lots of places to take high school courses online but I chose to do them at Okanagan college because they were in person.”

- DM

“As an educator, I see the value of classroom learning as serving some essential functions. It conveys knowledge and a certain skill set; as a microcosm, it teaches students how to be successful students; and on the macro level, it teaches students how to be successful citizens in a larger context. A classroom provides support, structure, organization, human connection, and a safe space to learn these important life skills. It provides accountability, the ability to collaborate, and builds resilience/empathy. Classroom education fosters community. Okanagan College’s decision to move multiple classes online is shortsighted, takes the “community” out of community college, and misses the point of the value of a true education. The message of this move is that Okanagan College only values education as conveying knowledge when true educators know it is far more complex, vital, and human than that.”

- Anonymous 

“Learning needs to be in person”

- Lindsey doucette

“i have recently decided to pursue post secondary education and i have been diagnosed with adhd, making self paced flex programs and online programs significantly harder for me to complete, and i specifically requested for in person lecture classes to upgrade my grades to pursue the pharmacy technician program offered in kelowna at okanagan college, i’m currently upgrading in penticton and they did not offer any lecture based math, which i struggle the most with, and cancelled my biology class because of low enrolment and i have been forced to do self paced biology, which i also struggle with. I am very upset with how these cancellations came with little to no warning and i have had to adjust my work schedule to accommodate my ever changing school schedule, which should not have changed after I've been enrolled and had classes already.”

- Jaena Mccredie

“I had to drop out of Highschool to work to support myself after losing my grandfather who raised me. Without the in person adult upgrading program I would have never gotten to where I am today as an associate of science. I attempted online upgrading but found without a structure it was near impossible to learn the material in my own time. I required in person direction, lectures, and the ability to have questions answered while I’m working on them. Furthermore, to move everything online creates an economical blockade for those who can’t afford a personal computer or perhaps any computer. I feel this move also creates ageism against those born before this age of technology and as a member of the community of Penticton I know for a fact we have a variety of elderly some of which were in adult upgrading with me and would not have had the same success online. This will also create a new labour cost to teach all these people how to use these online resources that the college has looked over. They’ve simply traded one cost for another and put the burden on the students and the instructors.”

- Roberto Schiavone


Appendix D

Condensed Report on Campus Community Feedback for OC’s “Smoke Free OC Initiative" as gathered by OCSU Survey

The survey was conducted by the OCSU Penticton campus. 

Question: Initial Thoughts on Campus Going Smoke-Free
Responses Overview
A total of 18 responses were collected

Negative Sentiments Toward the Initiative (14 mentions)
The majority of responses expressed opposition to the smoke-free policy, sharing concerns about functionality, enforcement, and stress relief.  


  • It’s unnecessary and difficult to enforce

  • Smoking areas currently serve as stress-relief zones.  

  • The policy could lead to unintended conflicts or issues.  

 Sample responses: 

  • Hate it, would affect my ability to function 

  • It doesn’t make sense, people will do it anyway and it will cause tension between groups (students, security) by trying to enforce it  

  • I would rather not have a smoke-free school. The gazebos help and create a place for people to go and have a break

Skepticism About Enforcement (6 mentions)

Some respondents doubted the enforcement of the smoke-free policy.  

Sample responses:  

  • People are still going to smoke no matter what

  • Unnecessary, people are going to smoke if it’s permitted or not

Impact on Community and Routine (4 mentions)

A few respondents expressed  that removing smoking areas would negatively affect socialization and convenience 

Sample responses:  

  • I should not have to walk off campus and risk being late to class 

  • The gazebos create a place for people to go and have a break as well as meet other people

Support for Smoke-Free Initiative (1 mention) 

One respondent expressed support for the idea

  • Great idea

Question: Do you think a smoke-free campus will positively or negatively affect the campus community? Why?

Responses Overview

A total of 19 responses were collected

Negative Impact on the Campus Community (16 mentions)

An overwhelming majority of respondents believed a smoke-free policy would negatively affect the campus community 

Key Reasons: 

Smokers would continue smoking in undesignated areas, leading to litter and potential conflicts.  

The policy would inconvenience smokers who rely on designated areas for stress relief.  

Students may resort to smoking or vaping indoors, creating additional issues.  

A belief that adults should have the freedom to decide what to do with their bodies.  

Sample responses:  

  • Negatively, people will just smoke where they are not allowed and there will be littered butts apart from the obvious conflict it will create

  • Negatively, we are all adults. Why do we need to be concerned about what others do with their own body?

  • Getting rid of a smoke pit does not encourage students to quit, just to hide it

Mixed Opinions (2 mentions)

A minority felt the impact might be both positive and negative, with little change for non-smokers but a significant inconvenience for smokers

Sample responses:  

  • A bit of both, kids will find a spot to smoke anyways 

  • For non-smokers, nothing will change in my opinion; the gazebos are already isolated as is, and are pretty out of the way from campus walking paths. For smokers, it'll be an unnecessary inconvenience

Personal Rights (2 mentions)  

Some responses highlighted personal choice and rights to their opposition to the policy.  

Sample responses:  

  • It’s my choice to go to designated areas and respectfully use my rights to do as I see fit for my body

  • Smoking is not illegal, and there are students and teachers here who are dependent on smoking so that they can function throughout the day

Question: What kind of support would you find helpful when this happens?

Responses Overview

A total of 17 responses were collected. Participants shared their thoughts on what support would be beneficial if the campus became smoke-free

Opposition to the Policy (2 mentions)  

Some respondents expressed that the most helpful form of support would be to prevent the smoke-free policy altogether.  

Sample responses:  

  • For it to not happen 

  • Having the student union stand up for us is nice

Designated Smoking Areas (2 mentions)

A few participants requested keeping designated smoking areas to continue having a safe and controlled environment for smoking.  

Sample responses:  

  • Give us a place to smoke  

  • A quiet place

Access to Alternatives (5 mentions)

Many respondents suggested providing alternatives to help cope with nicotine cravings and stress.  

Suggested alternatives: 

  • Nicotine gum/patches  

  • Free sugar-free gum  

  • Free (nicotine pouches)  

 Sample responses

  • Nicotine gum/patches   

  • Free sugar-free gum   

Psychological and Emotional Support (1 mention)

One individual mentioned the importance of professional mental health support for individuals who are highly dependent on smoking.  

Sample response:  

  •  A psychologist will be able to help for people who are highly dependent

Question: What message or information would you like to share with OC leadership regarding this change?

Responses Overview 

14 responses

Opposition to Policy Due to Smoking Behavior Changes (6 mentions)

Many respondents warned that removing designated smoking areas would not stop smoking but instead shift it to undesignated areas, creating more challenges.  

Sample responses:  

  • Don’t rock the boat. Students are staying in their respectful places to smoke, and by taking this away, smoking will happen more and in other places  

  • People will still smoke at school, so at least give them a space that’s approved

Advocacy for Designated Smoking Areas (4 mentions)  

A large number of participants mentioned the importance of maintaining or improving designated smoking zones as a compromise 

Sample responses:  

OC leadership should instead campaign about having people smoke in the right place.

 Direct students and staff  to the smoking zone  

  • It’s a great idea, but it may not change that people will smoke on campus. At least you have a spot away from the students and staff where people can smoke

Concerns About Unnecessary Restrictions (3 mentions) 

Some respondents expressed frustration with the policy, framing it as an overreach or unnecessary measure given existing designated areas.  

Sample responses:  

  • With constant budget cuts and complete course collapses, honestly, if I’m going to be micromanaged on what I can consume and dispose of safely, I’d switch schools  

  • I completely understand your reasoning for wanting to make the campus smoke-free. However, I do think it is unnecessary as there are isolated areas for smokers

Constitutional and Rights-Based Concerns (1 mention)  

One individual framed the policy as a violation of human rights and advocated for respecting personal freedoms.  

Sample response:  

  • This move is unconstitutional and violates a basic human right. Smoking does not go against the law

Recommendations to Leadership  

Maintain the Designated Smoking Areas and ensure smoking occurs in a controlled location 

Our smoking gazebo is already very close to the street, why take it away?

Transparent Communication 

Explain the rationale for the policy, addressing misconceptions and providing data to support its benefits for the campus community. 

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statements, leadership presentations, 2025 Okanagan College Students Union statements, leadership presentations, 2025 Okanagan College Students Union

OCSU X OC Leadership AMA

Late last semester your elected Student Representatives engaged in an Ask Me Anything Meeting with Okanagan College leadership representatives, President Dr Neil Fassina, Vice President of Academics and Provost, Dr Samantha Leci, and Vice President of Enrolment, Jennifer Goodwin. This meeting was planned with the goal of connecting, answering student questions and creating a more transparent relationship between Okanagan College Administration and The Okanagan College Students’ Union. Below are the questions your representatives asked and a summary of the answers that were given by the administration. Please note this is not a direct transcript of the meeting but a summary of the conversation that took place.

A PDF version of this post is available here.

Dear Members,

Late last semester your elected Student Representatives engaged in an Ask Me Anything Meeting with Okanagan College leadership representatives, President Dr Neil Fassina, Vice President of Academics and Provost, Dr Samantha Leci, and Vice President of Enrolment, Jennifer Goodwin. This meeting was planned with the goal of connecting, answering student questions and creating a more transparent relationship between Okanagan College Administration and The Okanagan College Students’ Union. Below are the questions your representatives asked and a summary of the answers that were given by the administration. Please note this is not a direct transcript of the meeting but a summary of the conversation that took place.

Further to our meeting with administration, we sent a follow up email with questions unanswered during the session, or that arose in response to the information shared during our conversation. We received written responses to these questions on January 14th, 2025, they are specifically laid out below.

Summary of OCSU X OC Leadership Ask Me Anything Meeting, December 5th, 2024.

Q: Beyond student-elected positions on the [Okanagan College] Education Council, Board of Governors, and student roles on committees, OCSU seeks more direct involvement with decision making bodies. How can we ensure regular participation in these discussions?

A: The elected student representatives have a direct relationship with the Provost, Dr Samantha Lenci. Administration stated they would love to have elected student representatives at the table and would like to work to find how to get voices at the table. The idea of monthly meetings with Dr Samantha Lenci, in addition to the existing monthly meeting between Dean of Students, James Coble and the OCSU Executive Director, were brought forward.

Q: How does OC plan to balance its identity as a community college with the changes being made to course offerings and enrollment? What steps will be taken to ensure this shift doesn’t undermine the intimate and community-centered experience that students expect from OC?

A: The drop in international enrollment is what we’re seeing on a Canada wide scale. Over the decades, domestic enrollment has remained at a steady decline. The hope of a community college is to be accessible to our community, and to anyone. The college is exploring accessible pathways to education, such as increased course offerings through hybrid learning.

Q: Are there conversations happening or plans in place to delay Penticton student housing or cancel it altogether?

A: There are no conversations to delay or cancel the progression of Penticton student housing.

Q: Can OC funnel some of the programs in Kelowna to the regional campuses that align with community needs such as the Human Service Work Diploma, particularly for campuses like Penticton that serve a larger vulnerable population?

A: Administration did not know what was meant by community programs and is not sure what programs are needed by communities in regional areas. They cited that regional administrations have not brought anything of this nature up to them.

Q: Does OC have a Communications Procedure for class cancellations? Are considerations given to notifying students with enough time for them to make other educational decisions to register for different courses or apply elsewhere?

A: OC does not have a policy in place for this and the delivery and timeline of this information varies from campus to campus. Deans and Associate Deans discuss with faculty members on campus. They discuss time frames in which to let students know. Dr Fassina noted that they know that last semester they dropped the ball and failed to give students adequate notice with the mass in-personal cancellation of Adult Upgrading courses, and realizes OC needs to start working with each community campus to accommodate late student registrations. They are working hard to ensure that what happened in September of 2024 does not happen again.

Q: What is the future of the SA campus? Are we closing? If not, is there a strategic plan to increase enrollment?

A: No plan to close Salmon Arm. They are trying to figure out how to get Salmon Arm high school graduates to stay in Salmon Arm to go to post-secondary. Vernon and Penticton have the same issues, just at a different scale.

Written responses from OC Leadership received on January 14th, 2025

Q: How is OC adjusting its recruitment strategies going forward?

A: Recruitment initiatives in progress this year include:

  • Establishing an enhanced student ambassador program: Students work with College Relations to create content for OC social media channels that describe what it is like to be a student at OC - photos, videos, reels.

  • Faculty/instructor partnerships for program showcases (Open houses, industry events, info sessions, etc.): Recruitment teams are working in a more coordinated and intentional way with programs to bring OC faculty and instructors to events where there will be prospective students. These include open houses, industry nights and other events.

  • Note: Upcoming Future Student Open Houses / Application Nights at OC are scheduled for:

    • Jan. 28, 5-7 p.m. - Vernon

    • Jan. 30, 5-7 p.m. - Kelowna

    • Feb. 4, 5 - 6:30 p.m. - Salmon Arm

    • Feb. 6, 4:30-6:30 p.m. - Penticton

  • High school and youth outreach, refreshed promotion for dual credit programs: OC is working actively with the school districts to continue to expand and strengthen the dual credit offerings, and to improve information and promotions on the programming, so students and parents are more aware of what is available. This is a component of joint work between OC and high schools across the region.

  • Mature Learner engagement recruitment strategies - in development: Work is underway to identify, plan and implement activities to engage with future students who are currently in the workforce and interested in reskilling or upskilling, as well as learners who are exploring options for a second career or learning in retirement.

  • Strategic marketing and digital communication campaigns: there are several in market currently, including for Trades, Business, Health, Arts and Science, and Continuing Studies (InspirED). Work has been in progress over the past year to implement digital marketing more effectively, including tracking views, clicks, appointments booked and applications.

  • Implementation of a customer relationship management system to support targeted and efficient engagement with applicants: The department implemented a new system at the end of December 2024, which allows them to track names/contact information of potential future students who identify as having an interest in Okanagan College, and who give consent to receiving follow up communications. Previously, we did not have a mechanism to collect and follow up on this information.

Q: Do Recruiters collaborate with faculty to ensure they accurately represent programs and their enrollment capacity? If so, how do they do this, or why not?

A: Yes, recruiters collaborate with the portfolio (e.g. Arts & Foundational Programs, Trades & Apprenticeship, Science & Technology, School of Business, Health and Social Development) and faculty/instructors to ensure that programs are accurately represented and promoted. This is collaboration is ongoing and updates are made on a continuous, as needed basis, appreciating that programs and course content may change over time. Enrolment capacity is a variable that is determined and approved by the program, portfolio and the College.

Q: Our understanding is that the information OC uses to base its decision on creating more hybrid learning partly comes from pre-Covid data. Is OC planning to survey current and/or potential students on their preferences for in-person vs hybrid or online learning?

A: Current and future student preference have historically, and will continue to influence the College’s choice of delivery modalities. The College relies on multiple sources of information when determining the modality or modalities of an offering at OC. For example, pedagogical effectiveness, student enrolment and registration trends (both at OC and more broadly), and registration demand are all considerations.

OC is in the early stages of establishing a multiple access learning environment to maximize accessibility to OC for all learners, including those from diverse backgrounds, learning styles and abilities, geographies, stages of life, and competing life commitments, etc. . In-person, hybrid, and digitally mediated (online) learning are three of several potential delivery formats that can be part of a multiple access learning environment.

Q: OCSU has long been calling on the Provincial Government to increase funding to the Post Secondary sector so that institutions are less reliant on student fees to cover costs. Given the recent Federal changes impacting Canadian colleges' ability to recruit international students, and the decline in domestic enrollment, is Okanagan College and its Board of Governors prepared to act in solidarity with OCSU and the other Students' Unions of British Columbia, to implore the provincial government to complete its Post Secondary Funding review and/or insist on more funding for Post Secondary?

A: We recognize that this is not the first time OCSU has asked that Okanagan College become actively involved in, and publicly support OCSU and BCFS’s “Fund it/Fix it” campaign.

As we have indicated previously, Okanagan College is a legislative agent of the Government of B.C., and it is therefore inappropriate for OC to be involved in politically-motivated or lobbying efforts. The OC Media Relations policy (section 5.8) notes that the College will remain politically neutral, respecting the institution as a place for diverse viewpoints and perspectives.

As a result, the College will not publicly join in the BCFS’s or OCSU’s efforts related to the “Fund it, Fix it” campaign.

Okanagan College actively contributes to provincial initiatives such as program, service and funding reviews where the objective is to improve and strengthen B.C. post-secondary institutions. We work with governments and institutional partners on efforts to increase available funding and resources in ways that benefit students and increase accessibility to programming, and the College will continue to maintain this important focus going forward. As part of the College’s Inspire strategic plan, a deliverable for the 2025/26 year is the development of a Student Affordability model. This model will seek to evaluate the direct impact of tuition costs, as well as the availability of scholarships, bursaries, and other cost offsetting mechanisms, to identify additional opportunities that may ease the financial burden on current and future students at OC.

Lastly, the College is currently exploring alternative and diversified streams of revenue to help offset the growing expenses of delivering high quality public education. The goal in growing and stabilizing these alternative revenue sources is to ensure student tuition and fees are affordable and that programs are broadly accessible.

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